Further Adventures of Indiana Jones

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Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #2
Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #2Grade: VF+
Page Quality: OW/COW
Edith Dunne & Ikons of Ikammanen App. Bondage Cover 2/83 J.Byrne Cover & Art T.Austin Inks

Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #3
Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #3Grade: VF/NM
Page Quality: OW/COW
From the Movies, Dullard & Prospero App. Post "Raiders of the Lost Ark" 3/83 G.Day Art R.Howell Cover & Art

Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #4
Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #4Grade: VF+
Page Quality: OW
Gateway Project [Professor Karen Mays, Major Temple], Arnold "Smitty" Schmidt & Adolf Hitler App. 4/83 R.Frenz Cover & Art

Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #5
Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #5Grade: NM-
Page Quality: OW
Gateway Project [Professor Karen Mays, Major Temple], Arnold "Smitty" Schmidt & Winston Churchill App. 5/83 R.Frenz Cover & Art

Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #6
Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #6Grade: NM/NM-
Page Quality: OW/COW
Census: 12 in 9.8 - 8 in 9.6 - 4 in 9.4
Marion Ravenwood Opens a Club in NYC 6/83 H.Chaykin Cover & Art

Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #6
Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #6Grade: NM++
Page Quality: OWW
Census: 8 in 9.8 - 3 in 9.6
Marion Ravenwood Opens a Club in NYC 6/83 H.Chaykin Cover & Art

Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #7
Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #7Grade: NM/NM+
Page Quality: OW
Pedigree: Savannah Copy
Census: 11 in 9.8 - 2 in 9.6 - 0 in 9.4
Marcus Brody, Marion Ravenwood & Nazis App. Fighting Nazis in the Congo 7/83 K.Gammill Cover & Art

Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #7
Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #7Grade: NM/NM-
Page Quality: OW/COW
Census: 11 in 9.8 - 6 in 9.6 - 5 in 9.4
Marcus Brody, Marion Ravenwood & Nazis App. Fighting Nazis in the Congo 7/83 K.Gammill Cover & Art

Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #8
Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #8Grade: NM-
Page Quality: OW
Pedigree: Newsstand Edition
Marion Ravenwood, Colonel Curt Vogel, Ian McIver & Nazis App. Skull Cover 6/83 K.Gammill Art H.Chaykin Cover
Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #9
Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #9Grade: VF/NM to NM-
Page Quality: OW
Marion Ravenwood, Marcus Brody & Rene Belloq (Movie Villain) App. 9/83 H.Chaykin Cover D.Reed Art

Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #10
Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #10Grade: NM-
Page Quality: OW
Sallah Mohammed Faisel el-Kahir, Marion Ravenwood & Marcus Brody App. Golden Idol in Movie Story 10/83 D.Green Art H.Chaykin Cover

Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #13
Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #13Grade: VF++
Page Quality: OW
Marcus Brody, Marion Ravenwood & Busby Giles App. Class Field Trip to Arizona Story 1/84 R.Villamonte Cover & Art

Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #14
Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #14Grade: NM+
Page Quality: White
Pedigree: Golden State Copy
Census: 3 in 9.8 - 1 in 9.6
Marcus Brody & Marion Ravenwood App. 2/84 B.Blevins Painted Cover D.Mazzucchelli Art

Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #14
Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #14Grade: NM-
Page Quality: OW
Marcus Brody & Marion Ravenwood App. 2/84 B.Blevins Painted Cover D.Mazzucchelli Art

Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #15
Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #15Grade: VF/NM
Page Quality: OW
Marcus Brody & Jock Lindsey App. Movie Comic Spin-Off 3/84 H.Trimpe Cover & Art

Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #16
Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #16Grade: NM/NM-
Page Quality: OW
Census: 3 in 9.8 - 2 in 9.6 - 1 in 9.4
Marcus Brody, Captain Simon Katanga & Commander Kyoji Hiroto App. African Pirates Story 4/84 H.Trimpe Cover & Art

Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #17
Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #17Grade: NM/NM+
Page Quality: OW
Census: 4 in 9.8 - 3 in 9.6 - 0 in 9.4
Marion Ravenwood & Bill Kershaw App. Search for the Map Medallion 5/84 H.Trimpe Cover & Art

Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #18
Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #18Grade: NM-
Page Quality: OW
Census: 4 in 9.8 - 2 in 9.6 - 2 in 9.4
Yeti Snow Creature Cover & Story, Marion Ravenwood & Marcus Brody App. Search For Marion's Father in the Himalayans 6/84 H.Trimpe Cover & Art

Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #20
Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #20Grade: NM+
Page Quality: White
Pedigree: Golden State Copy
Census: 0 in 9.8 - 3 in 9.6
From the Movies 8/84 E.Brown Cover L.McDonnell Art

Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #21
Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #21Grade: NM+
Page Quality: White
Pedigree: Golden State Copy
Census: 1 in 9.8 - 3 in 9.6
Marcus Brody, Marion Ravenwood, Austin Coleridge & Nazi Agents App. Search for the Arnhem Ring in South Wales 9/84 J.Brozowski Cover S.Ditko Art

Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #21
Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #21Grade: VF/NM
Page Quality: OW
Marcus Brody, Marion Ravenwood, Austin Coleridge & Nazi Agents App. Search for the Arnhem Ring in South Wales 9/84 J.Brozowski Cover S.Ditko Art

Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #23
Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #23Grade: NM-
Page Quality: White
Marcus Brody, Lord Harry, Marion Ravenwood & Stephanie Windslow App. Jungle Adventure 11/84 M.Golden Cover H.Trimpe Art

Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #23
Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #23Grade: VF-
Page Quality: OW/COW
Marcus Brody, Lord Harry, Marion Ravenwood & Stephanie Windslow App. Jungle Adventure 11/84 M.Golden Cover H.Trimpe Art

Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #24
Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #24Grade: NM/NM+
Page Quality: White
Pedigree: Golden State Copy
Census: 2 in 9.8 - 0 in 9.6 - 2 in 9.4
Movie Comic Spin-Off 12/84 M.Golden Cover H.Trimpe Art

Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #26
Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #26Grade: NM+
Page Quality: OWW
Census: 6 in 9.8 - 0 in 9.6
From the Movies, Bondage Cover 2/85 B.Sienkiewicz Cover S.Ditko Art

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