Tales of Ghost Castle
Tales of Ghost Castle #1Grade: NM-
Page Quality: OW
Page Quality: OW
1st Lucifer the Librarian (Later of Sandman Series) 6/75 F.Redondo Art E.Chan Cover
Tales of Ghost Castle #1Grade: NM
Page Quality: OWW
Pedigree: Murphy Anderson Pedigree
Census: 9 in 9.8 - 50 in 9.6 - 58 in 9.4
Page Quality: OWW
Pedigree: Murphy Anderson Pedigree
Census: 9 in 9.8 - 50 in 9.6 - 58 in 9.4
DC Horror & Mystery Stories Narrated by Lucien the Librarian (1st App. Later of Sandman Series) 6/75 R.Yandoc B.Gernale N.Redondo Art E.Chan Cover S.Aragones Gag Page